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Candida Albicans

It amazes me the numbers of people who tell me, "Well my doctor didn't tell me I have Candida Albicans".  Of course not, and they won't tell you, because then they won't be able to sell you anymore drugs.  A doctor will take his flashlight and look at your tongue, SEE that that you have a white coating on it and never say anything about it. Understand that there is absolutely NOTHING a doctor can do to cure you from Candida infections. All they do is continue to sell you more drugs, and the drugs, continue to feed the Candida.

The majority of people who have Candida Albicans (Yeast) do not even realize they have it until they become seriously ill.  It is estimated that over half of the worlds population has a moderate to serious Candida condition, due to the over use of antibiotics/drugs, bad diet and other causes. There are many programs, books and products on the market, all promising either control or relief from Candida and its symptoms. I have searched the net, researched with colleges and pulled together the most comprehensive, straightforward & up to date information possible. We will show you in these pages why Nystatin, Diflucan and other Fluconazoles do more harm than good, how to recognize the problem, arrest it and of course get rid of it!

Healthy Christian Living has been inundated with questions from readers for years on this subject. We have recently decided to attack this problem from every area possible. We are completing testing on our new  total candida elimination system that is producing truly amazing results. Women have reported yeast infections eradicated within hours of douching with our new yeast elimination douche system.


The Problem...

The Solution... (Bring it home!)


Learn more about the Rejuvenating qualities of Body Detoxation Via An Ionizing Footbath by Healthy Christian Living. Colloidal silver reportedly has not only helped many people and assisted in providing an greater over all feeling of health.


is an opportunistic fungus that normally inhabits the mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract and vagina. When candida overgrows in the body, it can cause illnesses such as thrush and candidiasis. Today, doctors are finding more patients with overgrowth of C. albicans and other pathogenic fungi. The main predisposing risk factors for fungal infection include alterations in immunity associated with broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, poor and sugary diet, nutrient deficiencies, heightened toxic exposure, stress, underlying malignancy, HIV infection, organ transplantation, chemotherapy and other immunosuppressive drug therapy. These and other factors, such as changes in endocrine and metabolic balance, may enhance fungal colonization, alter the body’s inner ecology and lower host's immune response.

C. albicans remains the most common infectious strain, accounting for approximately 50% of total Candida infections. Candida glabrata (8–18%), tropicalis (11–25%), parapsilosis (7–15%), and krusei (2–4%) have emerged as formidable players as well, and these pathogens display variable susceptibility to azole antifungal agents.

Candida species (spp) are a significant clinical problem for a variey of immunocompetent patients worldwide. Candidiasis has increased substantially in the past twenty years and Candida spp now rank fourth among microbes most frequently isolated from blood cultures and they are the most common opportunistic pathogen in AIDS patients. Paradoxically, modern medical practice which has prolonged the survival of a large number of patients, has also made them more susceptible to candidiasis

Early candida invasionThe increased incidence of candidiasis, the increased resistance of Candida species to antifungal agents and the rise in lethality associated with infections by Candida spp has prompted renewed research on innovative ways to prevent and treat infections by these opportunistic yeasts. Medical advances are helping researchers understand the complexities of inner ecology including the interrelationship between Candida and various body systems. For example, vaginal candidiasis appears to coincide with C. albicans in the large intestine. When this occurs, successful treatment of intestinal overgrowth also addresses the health and balance of vaginal flora.

Candida and Probiotics

Probiotics provide Candida-inhibiting activities of commensal bacteria that reside in the alimentary and vaginal tracts of humans. Probiotic microbes not only suppress the growth of Candida spp in the alimentary tract and vagina, but they also inhibit the adherence of Candida spp to epithelial surfaces

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria have the capacity to inhibit Candida spp. Each strain can have a different effect. That is the reason, Custom Probiotics formulates and supplies single and multistrain highest potency and quality probiotic bacteria for maximum effectiveness. We perform rigorous independent lab testing to verify the bacterial count of every batch to guarantee the potency of our probiotic dietary supplements.

A variety of mechanisms have been evoked to explain the anti-Candida activity of the probiotics. Nutritional competition, blocking receptors to Candida spp., adhesions on epithelial cells, production of anti-Candida compounds, increasing intestinal peristalsis, increasing intestinal epithelial cell renewal rates, alteration of pH and the production of an anaerobic oxidation-reduction potential (C. albicans is an aerobic microbe) have all been proposed as mechanisms that probiotic bacteria use to inhibit pathogens on mucosal surfaces.

The ability of probiotic bacteria to stimulate innate and acquired immune systems in the host and activate phagocytic cells is also thought to play a role in the inhibition of Candida spp. It is very likely that because of the recognized complexity of the aerobic and anaerobic normal flora, all the above factors are involved in the suppression of Candida spp. on mucosal surfaces. As a result, the inhibition of Candida spp. by probiotic bacteria, in the alimentary and vaginal tracts, represents a key, first-line defense against mucosal and systemic candidiasis.

Factors that Promote Yeast Overgrowth
Like all fungi, Candida thrives in warm, moist areas.  Under normal conditions, candida exists within us in a healthy balance, and the body's immune system keeps it from spreading.  When your immune system is strong, candida yeasts present no problem.  But, if you take broad-spectrum antibiotics or other medications or other medications, the good bacteria that prevent fungal infections from developing are knocked out.  The candida yeasts are not affected, so they multiply and put out toxins that further weaken the immune system.  Consequently, you may experience repeated infections, and these infections may be treated with another round of antibiotics, encouraging further growth of candida ....and so a vicious cycle.  (See diagram).

Below is a list of factors that promote Candida overgrowth.

• Frequent or long-term use of antibiotics, such as tetracycline for acne
• Frequent use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for recurrent infections, such as in the ears, bladder, vagina, or throat
• Infections (digestive or otherwise) that lower the immune system, creating an imbalance in innate flora.
• Poor diet (junk and sugary foods)
• Stress or trauma
• Birth control pill use and hormone replacement therapy in women
• Painkillers
• Regular use of cortisone-type drugs
• Stimulants and depressants (caffeine, nicotine, alcohol)
• Diabetes (there will be more sugar in the blood and urine on which yeasts can feed)
• Pregnancy
• Eating disorders (starvation, vomiting, taking laxatives)
• Not being breast fed for the first six months
• Old age
• Vaccinations and immunizations
• HIV and AIDS
• Humid climates.

The Problem...

The Solution... (Bring it home!)


Preventing GI Tract Problems