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LifeGuard Immune Colloidal Silver Solution

After hundreds of customer emails and calls to our sister site, HealthyChristianLiving.com asking us to continue manufacturing and selling the HCL brand Colloidal Silver products, and after more than 1 year of downtime and subsequent research; we are happy to announce the building a bigger better plant with so many more products coming to the LifeGuard Immune Brand!. 
colloidal Silver boost Immune
"As an antibiotic, silver kills over 650 disease-causing organisms; resistant strains fail to develop. Silver is absolutely non-toxic. Silver is the best all around germ fighter we have. Doctors are reporting that, taken internally, it works against MSRE, SARS Corona Virus, syphilis, cholera and malaria, diabetes, eczema, severe burns and more."
LifeGuard Immune has gone over the top and is producing one of the best quality, if not the best Colloidal Silver products on the market.
