Ebola Virus (new)
The testimonies below are the results reported by actual users. We make no claims as to the benefits of Colloidal Silver with respect to your health.
I had really bad blackheads on my face that were just making me depressed and I remembered once that someone told me Colloidal silver would help so I decided to try it & in a few days my blackheads were almost completely gone. Mother nature new what she was doing when she created a lot of these products to cure or help us naturally:)
Submitted by Chris Gist (DOTCALM01@aol.com)
We have had a lot of good results from the use of Colloidal Silver. We have a family of 6 and find many uses. Spraying it on acne has yielded great results in our teenagers. We take it when we have a sore throat or flu feelings and the ailment runs it's course quickly. We've used it on athlete's foot wtih success, as well as burns and sunburns. A young friend of ours was always sick and taking antibiotics, she takes an ounce of silver everyday, and has not been sick in 4 months.
From: Kevin Baer (kbaer@jps.net)
I've been using CS for 2 years and have had wonderful results. I had severe allergies and was always coming down with a cold or flu. After using it for just one week my cold and flu problems were gone and it took about 2 months for my allergies to completely clearup. I've had no problems with illness or otherwise since and have saved a lot in gas and money when going to the doctor.
Submitted by Robert Rhalpen (rrhalpen@northnet.org)
I have been using silver for 5 months. I have not had a cold, flu or anything along those lines. It has cleared up my sinus problems, arthritis pain in my shoulders and I Feel Great
Athletes Foot
I had chronic atheletes foot and jock itch. I tried the OTC stuff and it didn't work. I also had fungus or discoloration of my toe nails and the stuff they sell for that didn't even make a difference. I realized that these are all fungus types and read somewhere on your site that it is most likely candida related. I purchased a gallon of your silver figuring I would knock this thing out somehow. When I recieved it, I started making minor changes in my diet as you instructed and spraying the silver on my effected areas 2X a day. I also ingested about 1 oz per day. I tell you the truth... It is now only 7 days and the jock itch is gone, my feet are 95% better and my toe nails are gaining thier true color back. Thank you Anthony, your a lifesaver!!
Submitted by Chris Gist (DOTCALM01@aol.com)
We have had a lot of good results from the use of Colloidal Silver. We have a family of 6 and find many uses. Spraying it on acne has yielded great results in our teenagers. We take it when we have a sore throat or flu feelings and the ailment runs it's course quickly. We've used it on athlete's foot wtih success, as well as burns and sunburns. A young friend of ours was always sick and taking antibiotics, she takes an ounce of silver everyday, and has not been sick in 4 months.
My son has a rare condition called Bladder Extrophy. Our Doctor and surgeon told us to keep him on an Antibiotic to prevent Urinary Tract Infections and Kidney problems. I felt so terrible giving him an Antibiotic daily, Knowing what it was doing to his immune system and dealing with chronic diarrhea. I kept searching for Answers. I took him off the antibiotic and tried many different natural alternatives. Nothing was working. One day I felt so frustrated, and had almost given up when a woman in a health store told me about colloidal silver. She had me read some reports about it and proof of it's ability. As I read tears ran down my face and I knew I had found an Answer. I started giving it to him. At first his little body went through allot, trying to rebuild the immune system that the antibiotics had stripped. Now I give him a teaspoon every day. He is doing great. And I feel so good that I don't have to give him antibiotics regularly, so that when He needs them in surgery they will work well.
I want to share this with anyone who is searching for answers. Jennee Allan
How Colloidal Silver Cured My Chronic Bladder Infection I have had recurring bladder infections requiring antibiotics for over 20 years. Usually the infection flares up when summer comes and I work outside in the heat. I get a little dehydrated and by evening I have the familiar burning sensation. I have tried the cranberry juice and cranberry pills and finally give in and go to the doctor for antibiotics to cure the pain. The infection seemed to be low-grade, all the time. When I traveled by car, not drinking enough liquids, and not stopping enough, the bladder infection would flare up again. I finally found a solution! Colloidal Silver. Since I began taking Colloidal Silver I have had no bladder infection. I drove six hours one day and six hours back the next day (usually a sure case of infection) and had no problem at all. I have worked outside riding the lawnmower for five hours in the heat (another sure way for a flare up of infection) and no sign of infection, or burning sensation at all. Denise
Hello, My name is Brandon Zimmerman. Im 20 and was given CS by my mother a few years ago when I had bronchitis. Nearly every symptom was gone within a week. The reason I choose to write on this board is this. I had completely forgotten about the healing effects of CS when I got mono recently. The doctors explaiend there was nothing they could due. It is a viral infection thus it has to run its course. Working day in and day out I could not live with the concept of being rediculously tired for over a month. I remembered CS. The doctored stated I was over a week through the actual incubation stage of the virus as my throat was incredibly swollen and irrated and that that would last for well over another week. I went immediately to get CS as I felt there had to be another answer. To any doctors out there. It took 2 days to clear my throat swelling and ease most of the pain. Im on day 4 right now as is why im searching on the net. Im at work right now and all thanks to CS. Please understand this is hands down the most wonderful healing item I have ever seen.
-Brandon Zimmerman(b_zimmerman82@hotmail.com)
Submitted by John Gfrerer (jgfrere9@idt.net)
Hi I use CS daily, an ounce at a time, for a year now and believe me it really works. I have been going to a dermatologist for basal cell skin cancers on various sites for years, and always they found some but this last time they found nothing. I have gone to two different doctors and now quite soon I will be having a checkup at the UofM clinic so see what happens.
"I have taken colloidal silver (CS) for about a year for candida albicans and continue to see great improvement. I believe WHOLEHEARTEDLY in the benefits of CS. My health has improved greatly, and I'd like to continue taking it during my pregnancy. Thanks! Sincerely, DWilcox"
6-14-03 I'm a 56yo Quadriplegic. I have developed skin problems. Yeast, fungus type of skin eruptions. They just...appear. Many visits.. dermatologistSaw ad in Mother Earth News...Colloidal silver. Been using 2tb spoons morn/eve skin cleared up. When using doc prescribed antibiotics...lots of UTI's Bowel problems I've read somewhere...therapies to help Spinal cord injuries are very beneficial with the additional use of C/S during initial healing process of incomplete SCI's If I knew about C/S... in rehab during initial healing I'd probably be walking by now. It amazes me...something so simple as...tiny silver particles.. can do so much good. Good health to all.. William hpines@vineyard.net
I have had chronic yeast infections. Clears up with the cream then a week or so later I'd have one again. It was driving me crazy. My children get a cup of silver water from my chiropractor for different reasons. I got on the Internet to read up on Colloidal Silver. It sounded incredible and almost unbelieveable. But I thought, what the heck." Went to the local health food store. And for only a week now I have been taking two teaspoonfuls a day. The yeast infection is gone. I am thrilled about this discovery. I will always have this in my home. My children and my husband are now having colloidal silver water. It's a Good Thing!!! D. Vogt (vogtco@xit.net)
I suffered from a chest infection of CANDIDA ALBICANS for over twenty years -- primarily for two reasons. Doctors don't know diddlely-squat about candida albicans (including the Infectious Disease Center at one of the southwest's leading and largest medical centers), and they know even less about treating it. I went through twenty years of flu-like symptoms, lethargy, general malaise, constant diarrhea, accute depression, etc. One day I stumbled onto an article outlining the benefits of Colloidal Silver and decided to give it a try, but to my surprise ..... I was rid of the Candida in about three weeks!!! Since then I have been amazed at the other cures that can be brought about with CS. Flu, colds and sore throats are a thing of the past for my family. Sunburns got instant relief -- along with cuts, bruises and kitchen burns. A few drops keep the milk fresh longer. A teaspoonful in my wife's Valentine roses kept them as hard, firm buds for three weeks (and the water stayed clear enough to drink.) Cured my daughter's Shar Pei of its "summer mange" by applying it topically. My granddaughter was sent home from school with a case of pink-eye. She returned to school the next morning without a trace of the ailment. I never cease to be amazed at the ways CS can be utilized successfully, safely and economically. I wish we could get some dependable clinical studies of the use of CS with the major things that face the world -- AIDS, HIV, tuberculosis, anthrax, cancer, smallpox, etc. ......... Perhaps one day adequate appropriations will be made to prove (or disprove) the efficacy of CS, and the Pentagon will just have to have a Bake Sale to buy its next aircraft carrier. Bill Sybert Dallas, Texas
Hello to all
I have done a tremendous amount of research over the past 3 years to try and understand and learn how to deal with candida and other problems that I believe are related to it. This is my first attempt to contribute to the vast amount of information that is out there, from my own experiences. .. The rashes and frequent severe acne like sores i would get all over my face and shoulders and neck and arms, slowly began to get less severe and managable. As well as my digestion problems would be lessened, when i had been taking it for a consistent period of time.
The discovery that finally made me realize I was on to something was when I had tried eveything to get rid of a bad case of ringworm that had plagued my right ear for almost 2 years, and no medication had worked. The ringworm had gotten to the point that it was starting to severly damage and create deep open wound like holes on the inside of the outer ear, that were always raw and bleeding or infected. After becoming desperate to try anything, I started stuffing my ear with toilet paper every knight before I went to bed and soaking the paper with silver. After about 1 week the sores started to change, part of them healed, and the extreme iching went away. 1 more week later the holes filled in and there was only raised red bumps. 1 more week after that it completely healed but very red looking. So I continued for another week and it has not come back. I have had other benifits a well but this is the one that really hit home. Goodluck to everyone.
Dig this one brothers and sisters: I was feeling like I had a chronic cold for about 3 months, really dragged out and prone to depressed states of mind because of this. It was just awful. Trips to the doctor complete with blood tests and even X rays revealed not a thing. Recently a terrible itchy rash broke out in my crotch area covering all my private parts and more. It prevented me from sleeping at night and troubled me through the day. My doctor could not figure it out and even posed a hypothosis that it stemmed from some sort of aberant sexual behaviour on my part! Good Lord! All the special creams and even a prescription of strong antihystamine pills did nothing. I searched on the NET about a week ago under "chronic cold like symptoms" and some where along the line came across Colloidial Silver. Next day I bought an 8oz bottle and have been taking about a TBL spoon per day. By the grace of the Universe the rash was GONE in 3 days and I feel like a new man! Hands down..., this is something I would whole heartedly recommend to anyone on the planet. Peter Langes, Nolalu, Ontario , Canada [candida may cause these symptoms]
Submitted by Linda M. Alexander (bhmlma@nidlink.com)
I have had many wonderful experiences with colloidal silver. Here are just a few. My entire family has each had the silver stop colds and various infections before they even got started...
My secretary's boyfriend had experienced a chronic sinus infection, which could not be helped by any doctor with any drug for nearly one year. I sent her home with some silver, and within a few days his infection was completely gone, and has not returned. The same secretary had a very serious ear infection, causing a great deal of pain. I gave her some silver, which she sprayed in her ear every 30min or so, throughout the night, and by morning was pain free. Within a few days it was gone completely...
From: Dan Loraditch (solutions@mediaone.net)
II started taking cs 2 years ago. I have not a had a cold, flu or virus since I began taking cs. I only seem to need to take it once a week at this point. Thanks again.
From: Kevin Baer (kbaer@jps.net)
I've been using CS for 2 years and have had wonderful results. I had severe allergies and was always coming down with a cold or flu. After using it for just one week my cold and flu problems were gone and it took about 2 months for my allergies to completely clearup. I've had no problems with illness or otherwise since and have saved a lot in gas and money when going to the doctor.
Submitted by Robert Rhalpen (rrhalpen@northnet.org)
I have been using silver for 5 months. I have not had a cold, flu or anything along those lines. It has cleared up my sinus problems, arthritis pain in my shoulders and I Feel Great
.... I've saved thousands of dollors from costly anti-biotics that don't work near as well or as fast. Fast is the word. With in 60 min after drinking 8 oz for a sinus infection I can feel the sinus pressure just disapear and my sinus start to drain. Just a sip a day and a flu infected friends cough in you face is no big deal. I had warts dissapear. Bed ridden friend with the flu up and feeling fine within a hour of taking 8 oz. This stuff works amazing on Herpies, V- warts, hepatitis, AIDS and this killer flu going around would be yesterdays new if the medical assosiation could made money off C-silver. The hardest thing about colodial silver is just getting people to try it. ....ajax_max@msn.com forgive the spelling. God bless
I used to laugh at anyone who recommended cs. Then someone got in my face and said I shouldn't scoff until I at least tried it. Well, I did. I stopped laughing. I haven't had a bad cold for over three years. It's amazing how fast a minor cut will heal when a few drops of cs is applied. Look, I'm not saying it'll cure everything, but there's something about that stuff, something special. If you're skeptical like I once was, just try it. It'll win you over! Wordsmith :)
Dig this one brothers and sisters: I was feeling like I had a chronic cold for about 3 months, really dragged out and prone to depressed states of mind because of this. It was just awful. Trips to the doctor complete with blood tests and even X rays revealed not a thing. Recently a terrible itchy rash broke out in my crotch area covering all my private parts and more. It prevented me from sleeping at night and troubled me through the day. My doctor could not figure it out and even posed a hypothosis that it stemmed from some sort of aberant sexual behaviour on my part! Good Lord! All the special creams and even a prescription of strong antihystamine pills did nothing. I searched on the NET about a week ago under "chronic cold like symptoms" and some where along the line came across Colloidial Silver. Next day I bought an 8oz bottle and have been taking about a TBL spoon per day. By the grace of the Universe the rash was GONE in 3 days and I feel like a new man! Hands down..., this is something I would whole heartedly recommend to anyone on the planet. Peter Langes, Nolalu, Ontario , Canada [candida may cause these symptoms]
recently someone in my family had a bad infection in his foot due to diabetes. they amputated one of his toes, then later the rest of his toes because the infection was not going away. the last timne he came to visit he told me that they want to remove his foot completely.. I explained what CS is and also what bentonite clay is and the powerful effects of using them combined. I instructed him to make a paste of the two and use it 3-5 times per day, in addition to taking the colloidal silver internally. within 3 days, he told me that the stuff (CS) is incredable and is working wonders for him!!! to date, his foot is still fine.
Ear Infection:
Submitted by Neta Warawa (nwarawa@nvinet.com)
I am a Country Gospel Singer. For about a year I had been having trouble with my ears feeling plugged and it affected my singing badly. In July we had our Northwest Regional Country Gospel Music Conference here in Omak, Washington. I was scheduled to sing, but before the Conference I made an appointment at the music studio to work on my album. I sounded tone deaf on the recording and I cried for a couple of days. Billy Hale, the President of CGMA recommended Colloidal Silver, and Cathy Clark, a fellow songwriter shared her stash with me. It helped me enough that I got through the Regional Conference and even won an award. But since the conference I have continued on the silver, buying a generator. I took therapeutic doses for some time--one ounce twice a day. My ears have cleared up completely and I am even off of Azmacort, an inhaler for Asthma that I had been on for several years now. Now, in conjunction with the silver I used Osha Root, which is an anti-viral and anti-inflammatory when I felt the need, but I stayed on the silver consistently. I am now taking singing lessons and the teacher says I have a nice voice. She is trying to develop my "head voice" which is my higher range. I had always avoided it because of the pain in my ears that ensued with the vibration required to sing in the "head voice." I thank God for discovering Colloidal Silver. I feel it greatly helped to restore my hearing which did wonders for my voice.
John <Jgfrere9@idt.net> writes:
I have had ear infections and sinus infection for some 70 years, and no doctoring or antibiotics has cured them. I have been on colloidal silver since this last July and I guess I am getting some relief. Whenever I feel a slight cold coming on, it does not appear to last a day or so, not so before colloidal silver. I used to have quite a time with each bout. more later ..." it boggles my mindI am the guy,73 yrs old, that the doctors gave up on my sinus infection and inner ear infection, saying they used all the antibiotics that were available, and I believe it, I helped medicare go a little further in debt. more later.
Submitted by Linda M. Alexander (bhmlma@nidlink.com)
I have had many wonderful experiences with colloidal silver. Here are just a few. My entire family has each had the silver stop colds and various infections before they even got started...
My secretary's boyfriend had experienced a chronic sinus infection, which could not be helped by any doctor with any drug for nearly one year. I sent her home with some silver, and within a few days his infection was completely gone, and has not returned. The same secretary had a very serious ear infection, causing a great deal of pain. I gave her some silver, which she sprayed in her ear every 30min or so, throughout the night, and by morning was pain free. Within a few days it was gone completely...
Submitted by Charles (koolchas@pacbell.net)
4 months ago, I started using colloidal silver orally. I drink an ounce every morning. Fact is that my body feels great and I have not been sick at all. Before, I could not sleep shirtless with the window cracked open because my I would always wake up a little sick. Now, my nose is not even stuffy. I believe in the product and feel that it is one of the best all around "health" substances out there.
.... I've saved thousands of dollors from costly anti-biotics that don't work near as well or as fast. Fast is the word. With in 60 min after drinking 8 oz for a sinus infection I can feel the sinus pressure just disapear and my sinus start to drain. Just a sip a day and a flu infected friends cough in you face is no big deal. I had warts dissapear. Bed ridden friend with the flu up and feeling fine within a hour of taking 8 oz. This stuff works amazing on Herpies, V- warts, hepatitis, AIDS and this killer flu going around would be yesterdays new if the medical assosiation could made money off C-silver. The hardest thing about colodial silver is just getting people to try it. ....ajax_max@msn.com forgive the spelling. God bless
I suffered from a chest infection of CANDIDA ALBICANS for over twenty years -- primarily for two reasons. Doctors don't know diddlely-squat about candida albicans (including the Infectious Disease Center at one of the southwest's leading and largest medical centers), and they know even less about treating it. I went through twenty years of flu-like symptoms, lethargy, general malaise, constant diarrhea, accute depression, etc. One day I stumbled onto an article outlining the benefits of Colloidal Silver and decided to give it a try, but to my surprise ..... I was rid of the Candida in about three weeks!!! Since then I have been amazed at the other cures that can be brought about with CS. Flu, colds and sore throats are a thing of the past for my family. Sunburns got instant relief -- along with cuts, bruises and kitchen burns. A few drops keep the milk fresh longer. A teaspoonful in my wife's Valentine roses kept them as hard, firm buds for three weeks (and the water stayed clear enough to drink.) Cured my daughter's Shar Pei of its "summer mange" by applying it topically. My granddaughter was sent home from school with a case of pink-eye. She returned to school the next morning without a trace of the ailment. I never cease to be amazed at the ways CS can be utilized successfully, safely and economically. I wish we could get some dependable clinical studies of the use of CS with the major things that face the world -- AIDS, HIV, tuberculosis, anthrax, cancer, smallpox, etc. ......... Perhaps one day adequate appropriations will be made to prove (or disprove) the efficacy of CS, and the Pentagon will just have to have a Bake Sale to buy its next aircraft carrier. Bill Sybert Dallas, Texas
The most amazing thing happened when I drank 4 to 6 oz. a day for 10 days. I had a wart completely disappearing from the palm of my hand. And on another occasion I had been suffering from a high fever of 102 F. , I drank just a mouthful and the fever broke inside a hour. I really like the way it keeps my dog out of the Vets office too. This really is an amazing product, the fact that its can't be patented is why the doctors don't recommend it. Otherwise they would charge up the yang for it. The most unbelievable thing about this product is that some people who could really use it, won't take it, even if its free. I have been flu free for 3 years, with no flu shots.
JR Ashford Kodiak Alaska ajax_max@yahoo.com
I heard about colloidial silver and should have given it a try when I did. I had been suffering from this very uneasy feeling in my lower abdomen, and other effects of the infection in the area that caused depression, anxiety, sensitivity to pollution and general fatigue. Within 24 hours of taking colloidal silver I knew I was onto something, but wasn't aware this was the breakthrough I needed. At the end of the second day my symptoms that were plaguing me were GONE! I just don't know if I should keep using it or should I just stop - but at least I know the answer to this long-besetting problem. Tom in AZ, dexor@uneedspeed.net
I have used Colloidal Silver for nine months now. ....I have a spinal cord injury that is causing Scoliosis.
I take no drugs for this condition. I have no doctor for this. That is why this is so sensational. But it is another long story.
Four years ago I suffered this injury when I was run over by an automobile. July 7th 2001 the Scoliosis in my spine caused my neck great pain. I spent the rest of the summer sitting. Late October is when I made the CS generator. I started drinking 2oz morning and night. Two days before Christmas my neck started freeing up. The pain started going away. I started drinking large amounts of CS...Up to and often 20 oz a day.
June of this year I stopped drinking CS just to see how the CS was helping me; to see where I stand. The first two weeks went by with nothing noticeable. The third week: the pain returned. Bad symptoms also showed that I never had before as in Spasticity in my neck. I started drinking CS again and will not stop. I have figured that I can cut down on the amount of CS. I drink about a third of the CS now.
I still live in pain daily because my bones are are out of alignment. I just don't have the inflammation that goes with it. There seems to be some neurological benefits behind the CS too. It looks like man has found his "Panacea!" To good health! Gary GCL965@AOL.COM <Please include the email if this comment is used>
I am a sufferer of hep c virus. When I was young, I used to do a lot of drugs and it lead to me getting hcv. Now I have since found the lord and He has delivered me from such as that. Nevertheless, I still contracted the virus around I think 1979 or 80. In may of this year was the first time the virus showed up anywhere in any blood test of any kind. I was always real tired, nausea, and missing work a lot. the doctor told me I had to go on interferon shots and ribaviran. When he told me of the side effects of this treatment, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So I searched the web and got information on alternative meds. I ran across a substance called colloidal silver and read testimonies from people just like me who had the virus but was controlling it with the silver or even completely cured. I phoned a friend at church who I knew fooled with colloidals and other health products. They got me on the silver right away. My viral load was 1.7 million. In just three weeks of using the silver my v.l. went down to 250,000. I could not believe it. I still have a few bad days here and there but I believe with GOD and silver I will beat this thing. I am a firm believer in the product. I go for another test this week. I can't wait to see how much more it went down. God bless you all. in Christ's Love Johnny Cumming, ga.
Submitted by Donna
Well I finally got my results back. My CD4 count has increased to 383, but my Viral Load is still quite high at 180 000. I think this may have something to do with the fact that I still haven't given up smoking! Anyway, I have received a load of info from various sources and will be starting a really serious program from next week. I will still take the Colloidal Silver and H2O2, but I will be adding Echinacea, Golden Seal, N-Acetyl cysteine, a complete multi vitamin and anti-oxidant supplement, garlic tablets, green tea and a Probiotic. As far as quantities are concerned, I still have to work that out but in time I will let you have the complete details, if of course it helps. I will first be doing a detox program and giving up smoking. So anyway, at least the Colloidal Silver has helped to boost my T-count, and generally I am feeling fine. Cheers for now, Donna
Submitted by Donna Grow (donna_grow@shscom.com)
I had contracted genital herpes a few years before I heard about Colloidal Silver. I would break out at least every 3 months, and along with a very painful lesion, experience low-grade fever and flu-like symptoms. I heard about Colloidal Silver through a friend, who told me it cured her sister's herpes of the eye. With nothing to lose, I bought a bottle from her for $35.00. I do not know the concentration, as the label [did not say], but the next time I broke out with a lesion, I immediately started drinking 1 oz. every four hours. Within 24 hours, the sore was completely gone (usually it would take up to 3-4 weeks for a sore to go away). It seemed like a small miracle to me. I have not broken out since, and that was over 3 years ago. In fact, I consider myself cured of genital herpes. I don't understand why the medical profession does not know or let people know about the great benefits of Colloidal Silver. I am a firm believer. I just now looked it up on the Internet! ....it never occurred to me to look it up before.
recently someone in my family had a bad infection in his foot due to diabetes. they amputated one of his toes, then later the rest of his toes because the infection was not going away. the last timne he came to visit he told me that they want to remove his foot completely.. I explained what CS is and also what bentonite clay is and the powerful effects of using them combined. I instructed him to make a paste of the two and use it 3-5 times per day, in addition to taking the colloidal silver internally. within 3 days, he told me that the stuff (CS) is incredable and is working wonders for him!!! to date, his foot is still fine.
Dig this one brothers and sisters: I was feeling like I had a chronic cold for about 3 months, really dragged out and prone to depressed states of mind because of this. It was just awful. Trips to the doctor complete with blood tests and even X rays revealed not a thing. Recently a terrible itchy rash broke out in my crotch area covering all my private parts and more. It prevented me from sleeping at night and troubled me through the day. My doctor could not figure it out and even posed a hypothosis that it stemmed from some sort of aberant sexual behaviour on my part! Good Lord! All the special creams and even a prescription of strong antihystamine pills did nothing. I searched on the NET about a week ago under "chronic cold like symptoms" and some where along the line came across Colloidial Silver. Next day I bought an 8oz bottle and have been taking about a TBL spoon per day. By the grace of the Universe the rash was GONE in 3 days and I feel like a new man! Hands down..., this is something I would whole heartedly recommend to anyone on the planet. Peter Langes, Nolalu, Ontario , Canada [candida may cause these symptoms]
My dog had a big infected looking pus on her belly side and I thought oh no I'm going to have to take her to the vet. But I started rubbing it with colloidal and giving her about 1/2 teaspoon a day by mouth. Within few days the pus went down and looks fine. She has thyroid problems and takes medication but she seems extra perkier and puppy like since I been giving her colliodal silver. Also I have yeast infection which nothing helps and I been taking teaspoon a day and it seems it cleared up somewhat. Also when I went to the Doctor and complained about getting up middle of the night and always having to go to the bathroom right after drinking liquids, she recommended Kiegal????? exercises (I didn't do them) well that also stopped after taking colloidal silver. Also I fell and had a cut on my leg and usually I take forever to heal I rubbed collidal silver on the cut and it healed up faster then usual. Some times I read all these testimonials and say yeah right not really believing them and I'm not one to write in these forums. But I had to with this cause this really happened and I've had the yeast infection for years and never cured it till now. So I'm happy and satisfied enough to write about it.
I recently read about CS and purchased at Mothers Market in Costa Mesa, CA. I gave some CS in water & food to a cat who was on his last leg. He couldn't even climb a small tree stump to eat food served to him (outside cat)& had lots of mucous dripping from mouth and eyes looked terrible (this is not my cat but lives on the property where I rent a room) the cat's stomach twitched and I thought he was going to die any moment. I began to see improvement after about a week+. He began to jump up on picnic table to feed with the other wild cats out back. Now this cat called Tom Tom, runs, jumps and climbs trees to the top of roof. He also began trying to mate with other female cats. This CS really works and I put drops in my water and will make copies and spread the word which I have share my CS in water with others with pets. Loreina Trombley loreinat@excite.com
My name is Shawn David. I read your information on colloidal silver and started to take shortly thereafter. I have had upper respiratory problems for many years that could not be diagnosed as anything significant by doctors. Anyhow, in the last six months i came down with a chest cold/infection/virus that just wouldn't go away. The doctor treated me with a wide range of different antibiotics over the course of six months. My lungs would get better when I was on the antibiotics, but then return to beings infected after I went off the medicine. The doctor still couldn't tell me anything new even though he ran more tests. Anyhow, I have been taking colloidal silver for 2 weeks at about 2 table spoons a day, plus using it 3 time a day as a nasal mist. All my symptoms are gone. I am breathing better than I have in ten years, and I am feeling more awake and energetic.... THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH ....! GOD BLESS! YOUR BROTHER FROM CANADA, S.DAVID
Hello to all
I have done a tremendous amount of research over the past 3 years to try and understand and learn how to deal with Candida and other problems that I believe are related to it. This is my first attempt to contribute to the vast amount of information that is out there, from my own experiences. .. The rashes and frequent severe acne like sores i would get all over my face and shoulders and neck and arms, slowly began to get less severe and managable. As well as my digestion problems would be lessened, when i had been taking it for a consistent period of time.
The discovery that finally made me realize I was on to something was when I had tried eveything to get rid of a bad case of ringworm that had plagued my right ear for almost 2 years, and no medication had worked. The ringworm had gotten to the point that it was starting to severly damage and create deep open wound like holes on the inside of the outer ear, that were always raw and bleeding or infected. After becoming desperate to try anything, I started stuffing my ear with toilet paper every knight before I went to bed and soaking the paper with silver. After about 1 week the sores started to change, part of them healed, and the extreme iching went away. 1 more week later the holes filled in and there was only raised red bumps. 1 more week after that it completely healed but very red looking. So I continued for another week and it has not come back. I have had other benifits a well but this is the one that really hit home. Goodluck to everyone.
Submitted by Linda M. Alexander (bhmlma@nidlink.com)
I have had many wonderful experiences with colloidal silver. Here are just a few. My entire family has each had the silver stop colds and various infections before they even got started...
My secretary's boyfriend had experienced a chronic sinus infection, which could not be helped by any doctor with any drug for nearly one year. I sent her home with some silver, and within a few days his infection was completely gone, and has not returned. The same secretary had a very serious ear infection, causing a great deal of pain. I gave her some silver, which she sprayed in her ear every 30min or so, throughout the night, and by morning was pain free. Within a few days it was gone completely...
Submitted by Robert Rhalpen (rrhalpen@northnet.org)
I have been using silver for 5 months. I have not had a cold, flu or anything along those lines. It has cleared up my sinus problems, arthritis pain in my shoulders and I Feel Great
Our son (now 6) had had chronic sinus infections (at least every 6 weeks) so when he was 3 years old, we gave in and had the sinus surgery done. Well...the infections continued to crop up on a regular basis. About 18 months ago, we discovered colloidal silver!! We have been spraying it up his nose every day or 2 and this child has been free from sinus infections. He is used to the routine and knows that it is the "silver" that keeps him free from that horrible pain. It also cleared up the many clusters of warts on his fingers as a bonus. We thank the Lord for the wonderful, natural alternatives He has provided!
Catherine in East Tennessee
I began using colloidal silver a couple of years ago for a sinus infection which the doctor wouldn't give me antibiotics for. I bought it at a health food store and the sales person gave me an atomizer to use so I could spray it into my nose. My sinuses cleared up in a few days and I haven't had one like that since. I also haven't had a cold like I used to get terrible colds which left me non-functioning for days...before I started using the colloidial silver.
Sore Throat
Submitted by Erin Mc. (Airon@juno.com)
One morning I awoke with a sore throat, and my nose was a little stuffy. Fortunately I had some Colloidal Silver handy and so I drank some. I continued to drink some throughout the day, whenever I thought about it. I did that for about 3 days. The sore throat was gone in one or two days, and all symptoms were reduced at the end of those three days, so I stopped taking so much, and just drank some in the morning. Now I am suffering from allergies, for the first time in my life, but I have been drinking Colloidal Silver every morning still, and that has actually helped some. My nose is not as runny as it could be. So, thank you for Colloidal Silver. I shall continue to use it in hopefully good health. :)
Submitted by (geeoh3@aol.com)
5 PPM in deionized water One teaspoon daily Have problems with residual tonsil tissue. Clears up within one to two days.
Submitted by Lynn Jones (lynjones@gatewest.net)
I had suffered with a severe strep throat and cold last spring for more than two weeks. My sister, Mother and I went on a trip to Calgary. On the trip which lasted 2 days, she got me to take colloidal silver. The problems were gone almost immediately. I was amazed..
Will Thompson <wbt@swbell.net> writes:
"Had a throat problem for 6 mo doc could not do any thing. I started taking Collodial Silver in 2 wks I was well."
About a week ago I came down with a sore throat. my voice was raspy and I was having trouble breathing. I had some of your colloidal silver solution in the house but forgot about it. I gargled with it at night and swallowed some, then did it again in the morning... even though i felt almost immediate results, it was still there; but by that same afternoon after doing this 2 more times, my throat was absolutely fine!!! I also put some in an old Dristan bottle and used as an inhaler to clear up my breathing, I found it worked better than the Dristan or any other nose spray i have used. You should consider selling HCL in inhalers. I am telling all my friends about this now! Thanks and God bless you!
Submitted by Donna R.
I got some Silver Solution from Healthy Christian Living and have to say that I am impressed. I have had sore throats for a very long time and could not get rid of it. I was shocked when after one days use, the soreness went away and I have not had a sore throat since.
I am one satisfied user!!
Ulcerative Colitis
I have ulcerative colitis and the only time it was in remission was the three years that I took colloidal silver. 2 teaspoons a day at 5 ppm. I would go to the local health food store every couple of weeks to buy it and then one day the lady that works there told me "You know, you really shouldn't take colloidal silver all the time". That scared me (I now know that it isn't true) and I stopped taking it. The ulcerative colitis came back with a vengeance. My doctor has me on prednisone, 6MP and asacol, none of which are working. I am going to start taking colloidal silver again and I know it will help me, just like last time! Denise, (knowsalot@excite.com)
Hello and thanks for your informative website. I would like to let you know of my experience with colloidal silver and how it seems to have cleared up my condition (or at least the symptoms) of ulcerative colitis. Since taking the colloidal silver, I no longer pass blood in my stools, which was a chronic symptom of the ulcerative colitis. My specialist had eventually diagnosed the ulcerative colitis, but had previously thought it might just be a parasite. Have you come across any similar reports from anyone with a similar condition? Or perhaps I don't have ulcerative colitis afterall and the colloidal silver IS actually destroying the parasite in my bowel/colon, hence stopping the bleeding. I would be most interested to get your feedback on this when you have some time.
Thanks very much.
Leigh Gottlieb
Viral Infections
I have had a viral infection of sorts for several weeks in my sinuses and my lungs. I try to do the natural thing as much as possible because I have had some terrible experiences with too much antibiotics in the past. I tried garlic, grapefruit seed extract, astragulus, elderberry, zinc, and other natural cures that normally work pretty well for me, along with, of course, vitamin C and other vitamins that I usually take. When I got no relief I went to the doctor who told me that there was nothing that could be done, it had to run it's course. That is when I remembered .. CS .. and began drinking a partial juice glass twice daily and spraying my sinuses. I immediately began to feel better and I am sleeping at night without a decongestant for the first time over 10 years!! I plan to go on a maintenance dose after I am completely well, but I think I will continue to use the sinus spray. Has anyone had a bad experience doing this? I understand that you should not store CS in plastic but how else do you administer it to the sinuses except a plastic spray bottle? Any ideas? Thank you. In Christ Jesus, cynthom@netbeam.net
The most amazing thing happened when I drank 4 to 6 oz. a day for 10 days. I had a wart completely disappearing from the palm of my hand. And on another occasion I had been suffering from a high fever of 102 F. , I drank just a mouthful and the fever broke inside a hour. I really like the way it keeps my dog out of the Vets office too. This really is an amazing product, the fact that its can't be patented is why the doctors don't recommend it. Otherwise they would charge up the yang for it. The most unbelievable thing about this product is that some people who could really use it, won't take it, even if its free. I have been flu free for 3 years, with no flu shots.
JR Ashford Kodiak Alaska ajax_max@yahoo.com
I would like to tell you about an incident with my 11 year old grandson, and seed warts on the bottom of his foot. He was taken to the doctor to be checked, he had seed warts between his toes, and on the ball of his foot. His regular doctor recommended him to a specialist. He was taken to the specialist and was told that he would have to burn them off, or inject them with a form of Chemo, both of which would be very painful.
My daughter and I were talking and she told me that the their doctor told her that the seed warts were a virus, and she asked if I thought that the Colloidial Silver would help his foot. I told her if they were a virus, I believed that it would. My grandson started putting it on the warts twice daily, and withing just a couple of days the pain went away, and within a little over 2 weeks the seed warts were completely cleared up.
I have problems with getting fungus on my body very easily. MY dermatoligist told me that I am just one of those people that gets fungus very easily. He told me that if 100 people were exposed to the same fungus, most of the people wouldn't get it but I would. Enough of that, I get fungus on my face, ears, groin, feet, and all over my body. It has been a regular thing to keep, Micatin, and a couple of other medications on hand since one product would not work on all of the different funus that I would contact. However, that was until I discovered the Colloidial Silver. I have it in a spray bottle, and simply spray all of the areas and let them air dry..........presto, fungus is gone after a few treatments. I have had stys on my eye lids, and I simply spray them (even with my eyes open) and within a few days they are cleared up. I swear by this stuff. J. Keller Dayton, OH 937-395-0585
I have had chronic yeast infections. Clears up with the cream then a week or so later I'd have one again. It was driving me crazy. My children get a cup of silver water from my chiropractor for different reasons. I got on the Internet to read up on Colloidal Silver. It sounded incredible and almost unbelieveable. But I thought, what the heck." Went to the local health food store. And for only a week now I have been taking two teaspoonfuls a day. The yeast infection is gone. I am thrilled about this discovery. I will always have this in my home. My children and my husband are now having colloidal silver water. It's a Good Thing!!! D. Vogt (vogtco@xit.net)
.... Also I have yeast infection which nothing helps and I been taking teaspoon a day and it seems it cleared up somewhat. Also when I went to the Doctor and complained about getting up middle of the night and always having to go to the bathroom right after drinking liquids, she recommended Kiegal????? exercises (I didn't do them) well that also stopped after taking colloidal silver. Also I fell and had a cut on my leg and usually I take forever to heal I rubbed collidal silver on the cut and it healed up faster then usual. Some times I read all these testimonials and say yeah right not really believing them and I'm not one to write in these forums. But I had to with this cause this really happened and I've had the yeast infection for years and never cured it till now. So I'm happy and satisfied enough to write about it.